Leadership & Staff Development Modules

Leadership & Staff Development Modules

Leadership & Staff Development Modules

Leadership & Staff Development Modules

System Foundation Building

In these sessions we will discuss key elements of the Missouri approach and assess organizational implications for system change.

Understanding A Rehabilitative Program Model

During this time we will focus on creating a vision for change that builds on input from staff, students and system stakeholders. Staff learns appropriate treatments, juvenile rights and responsibilities, and how to distinguish best or optimal treatments.

Using A Group Process In Juvenile Justice Programs

These sessions develop understanding of the natural dynamics occurring within youth groups in a given facility.

Understanding Youth Behavior

Here staff learn how to assess and understand youth behavior by looking at factors that cause, influence or lead youth down the wrong path. They will also learn to understand youth behavior and needs in the context of family systems. They practice skills that will strengthen their ability to work with youth to make better life choices.

Creating An Environment For Change

Safety, strong relationships and a healthy supportive environment are the building blocks to change. This section focuses on defining professional work boundaries as they relate to leadership, staff, and youth. It also helps with creating a safe environment that respects families, youth and staff.

From Theory to Application: On the Job Coaching & Skill Building

On the job coaching and assessment is a key component of the MYSI modules. MYSI staff work with program leadership and staff to ground, implement and supplement learning from the training modules. Coaches provide the bridge or transition from theory to application.